
We seek opportunities to delight customers whilst controlling cost. We will address the sustainability risks in our supply chains, with the goal of minimising the negative environmental and social impacts of our procurement decisions. Whilst meeting our financial and quality requirements, we will make preference to source locally and from sustainable sources in order to support the local communities and environment and, in the process, reduce our carbon and water footprints.

Sustainable Luxury Vision 2020

All operations continue to enforce the group-wide ban on shark fin.
Paper products will be from certified sustainable sources by 2017.
Critically endangered species are removed from our food and beverages offerings.
Strive to source 50% perishable produce locally
Guestroom amenities are made of sustainable materials.
More than 50% cleaning products used in operations will be chemical-free or biodegradable
Tea, coffee, and chocolate we sell are from certified ethical sources.
Our luxurious furnishings meet uncompromising quality and sustainability criteria.
Strive to have all procurement contracts in compliance with HSH Supplier Code of Conduct and verified by sample audit
Rejuvenate “Naturally Peninsula” as the choice for sustainable, organic, and healthy options

2015 Progress

Expand the sustainability review on our seafood offerings - Achieved
Seek to use more environmentally friendly cleaning products - On Plan
Leverage technology further to reduce paper use - On Plan
Roll out the sustainable procurement guidelines across all operations - Behind Plan 

2016 Target

Expand the sustainability review on our seafood offerings to our hotels in China
Further explore low-temperature laundry programme across hotels division
Use more beverage products from certified ethical sources Develop partnership with local farms to set up Naturally Peninsula Farm
Carry out a pilot third-party Supplier Code of Conduct audit programme


The HSH Sustainable Luxury Vision 2020 puts sustainability at the heart of the company’s business model and brand. With seven areas of focus covering all divisions of the business, Vision 2020 sets out more than 50 economic, social and environmental goals that HSH is committed to achieve by 2020.
  • Governance & Management
    Governance & Management
  • Guest Experience
    Guest Experience
  • Employees
  • Operation
  • New build & refit
    New build & refit
  • Supply chain
    Supply chain
  • Community